Научные публикации
Послеоперационные рецидивы и репродуктивная функция после аблятивного удаления эндометриом при помощи плазменной энергии: ретроспективная оценка трехлетнего исследования
Гораций Роман (Horace Roman)*, д.мед.н., доктор Мэттью Обер (Mathieu Auber), доктор Николя Бурдель (Nicolas Bourdel), доктор Сесиль Мартен (Cecile Martin), доктор Лоик Марпо (Loïc Marpeau), Люсьен Пюскасиу (Lucian Puscasiu), д.мед.н.
Fertilité et taux de récidive après prise en charge des endométriomes ovariens par ablation à l’énergie plasma : évaluation rétrospective de 3 années d’expérience
Mathieu Auber, Horace Roman, Nicolas Bourdel, Martin Cécile, Loïc Marpeau, Lucian Puscasiu
Optimal Cytoreduction with Neutral Argon Plasma Energy in Selected Patients with Ovarian and Primitive Peritoneal Cancer
Marie-Claude Renaud, Alexandra Sebastianelli, MD
Comparison of tissue effects quantified histologically between PlasmaJet coagulator and Helica thermal coagulatorComparison of tissue effects quantified histologically between PlasmaJet coagulator and Helica thermal coagulator
Shipla Deb,Banchhita Sabu, Suha Deen, C. Newman, Martin Powel
Surgery for the management of ovarian endometriomas : From the physiopathology to the pre-, péri- and postoperative treatment
Nicolas Bourdel, H. Roman, G. Mage, M. Cani
Ultrasound ovarian assessments following endometrioma ablation using plasma energy
Mathieu Auber, Nicolas Bourdel, MD, Cécile Mokdad, MD, Cécile Martin, MD, Alain Diguet, MD, Loïc Marpeau, MD, Horace Roman, MD, PhD
Vaporization of Ovarian Endometrioma Using Plasma Energy : Histologic Findings of a Pilot Study
Horace Roman, Ionna Pura, MD, Oana Tarta, MD, Cecile Mokdad, MD, Mathieu Auber, MD, Nicolas Bourdel, MD, Loïc Marpeau, MD, and Jean-Christophe Sabourin, MD, PhD
First clinical experience of argon neutral plasma energy in gynaecological surgery in the UK
Thumuluru Kavitha Madhuri, Dimitri Papatheodorou, Anil Tailor, Christopher Sutton, Simon Butler-Manuel